982 people on file

M Alexander von Buxhoeveden

Born on 29/05/1783 at St. Petersburg, Russia
Died on 25/03/1837
Son of Graf Friedrich Wilhelm von Buxhoeveden (14/09/1750 - 23/08/1811) and Nathalja Alexandrowna Aleksejew (00/00/1758 - 00/07/1808)
Children with
Julie Anna von Dellingshausen (13/05/1793 - 10/11/1849)
F Elisabeth ( Juliane ) von Buxhoeveden (09/02/1811 - 08/05/1873)
M Theodor (Fedor) von Buxhoeveden (27/05/1812 - 08/01/1872)
F Natalie Alexandrine von Buxhoeveden (11/06/1814 - 26/11/1867)
M Katharina von Buxhoeveden (Born 01/10/1815)
M Alexander von Buxhoeveden (19/02/1817 - 00/00/1839)
M Nikolai von Buxhoeveden (02/06/1818 - 16/07/1866)
F Anna von Buxhoeveden (00/00/1819 - 05/07/1831)
M Constantin von Buxhoeveden (16/05/1824 - 23/11/1874)
F Helene von Buxhoeveden (25/06/1825 - 05/02/1831)
F Helene - Elena Contessa Buxhoeveden-Mainardi (05/02/1831 - 14/12/1898)
M Grigori von Buxhoeveden (25/11/1777 - 19/08/1778)
F Sophia von Buxhoeveden (10/11/1778 - 04/08/1829)
F Maria von Buxhoeveden (21/03/1780 - 17/05/1837)
F Natalia von Buxhoeveden (18/01/1782 - 30/12/1857)
M Peter von Buxhoeveden (28/11/1784 - 00/00/1788)
M Paul von Buxhoeveden (02/04/1789 - 24/03/1790)
M Peter von Buxhoeveden (14/06/1792 - 20/01/1863)


Julie Anna von Dellingshausen on 21/01/1810 at Tallinn


http://www.laidoner.ee/cms/english/annual/annual-2002 In 1816 Count Alexander Buxhoeveden (1783-1837) bought Viimsi estate. He was also owner of Koluvere castle. Count Alexander B. had 7 children: his first son Theodor was born in 1813 at Koluvere and died in 1871 at Viimsi. His second son Nikolai was born already at Viimsi in 1821. Theodor's sons Alexander (b.1843) and Anatol (b.1844) were both born at Viimsi. The Buxhoevedens era was the heyday for Viimsi. The construction of a new manor house was started and completed before 1830. A park was laid down, a fashionable romantic summer palace or Shloss - Lode, a miniature copy of Koluvere castle, was built. The family burial place was established at Pirita graveyard.

Image Gallery

Alexander Graf Buxhoeveden

Document Transcripts

Title Description
Stammfolge S.71
Transcript Geneal. Handb. der Oesel. Rittesch. 1935, © B on 00/00/1935

Click the document title to download. (Might need to right click & Save Target As.. in Internet Explorer)

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